

Light Duty Tracking and Sensing System Using the Adafruit web

Torres-Bustos, H., Valenzuela-Zubiaur, M., Meza-Herrera, V., Soto-Pacheco, F., & Escobar-Jeria, V. (2020). Light Duty Tracking and Sensing System Using the Adafruit web. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 24. 

Women in the Fab Lab ecosystem (2008-2021). From Fab Academy to the Fab Lab Research Conferences

Herrera, P., Caycho, V., Valenzuela-Zubiaur, M. (2020). Women in the Fab Lab ecosystem (2008-2021). From Fab Academy to the Fab Lab Research Conferences.
Conference: Fab16 Research Papers Stream (Fab16)At: Montreal, Canada. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5169858

Promotion of social innovation through fab labs. The case of Proteinlab Utem in Chile

Valenzuela-Zubiaur, M.; Torres-Bustos, H.; Arroyo-Vázquez, M.; Ferrer-Gisbert, P. Promotion of Social Innovation through Fab Labs. The Case of ProteinLab UTEM in Chile. Sustainability 2021, 13, 8790.

Fab Lab-based learning: an environment to promote Women and Leadership in Engineering Education

Herrera, Pablo C, Cristina Dreifuss-serrano, Macarena Valenzuela-Zubiaur, and Vaneza Caycho. 2022. “Fab Lab-Based Learning : An Environment to Promote Women and Leadership in Engineering Education.” IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON).



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